We have an extensive selection of bait & tackle for you to choose from before you head out on your next fishing trip.
Fishing is a popular pastime enjoyed by people located across the United States and around the globe. When you live close to water, it’s easier to spend some time on the water while casting your line. Those in the Surf City, North Carolina area can take advantage of living so close to various water sources. At East Coast Sports, we can help you make the most of life in this area with our wide selection of outdoor gear, including fishing equipment and other must-haves. We carry just about anything you could need to head out on a fishing excursion.
Whether you’re a newcomer to the sport or an experienced angler, you’ll definitely need bait & tackle to catch a fish. We have an extensive selection of bait & tackle for you to choose from before you head out on your next fishing trip. If you’re new to fishing, it might be helpful to know that bait typically refers to the live worms and tiny fish used on hooks to attract fish. Tackle refers to the hardware used in fishing, along with the non-living lures, bobbers, and sinkers. Depending on the type of fishing you plan to do and what you’re trying to catch, you might need bait, tackle, or a combination of both.
Our shop is well-stocked with all the fishing equipment you might need when you’re getting into the sport or upgrading your current setup. If you have questions about bait & tackle or other fishing needs, don’t hesitate to ask one of our friendly team members.